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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

File Size: 387 MB
File Type: CSO

To many fans, the original Mega Man X proved a major highlight in the series. It retained the cooler aspects of the Mega Man franchise while offering something altogether unique. Everything fans had come to love, including slick presentation, cool bosses and precise control, received even better treatment in the "X" series.
It also traded the overly cute, baby-robot aesthetic of the original for an older, slightly grizzled look. Nothing you'd call edgy, of course, but it was nonetheless a big departure. It made Mega Man officially cool.
As a remake of the first "X" adventure, Maverick Hunter X offers a massive dose of nostalgia. That's just what happens when blasting through familiar environments while listening to remixed videogame tracks. Fortunately, it proves to be much more than a simple trip down memory lane. Hunter X isn't just the first 2D sidescroller for Sony's handheld, it also happens to be a damn good one. Remake or no, there's really no denying the appeal here. Furthermore, the fact that it's now portable only strengthens its charm.

As such, Hunter X should appeal to fans of the original and those looking for a cool, satisfying sidescroller. In other words, if you like games, you'll probably find something to enjoy here. Having said that, Hunter X offers a different experience depending on your gaming history. For instance, those intimate with the original will notice a slew of changes, ranging from aesthetic tweaks to major changes in level design. It's both a good and bad thing, depending on what kind of "remake" you're looking to play. For most gamers, though, there's a good chance the alterations, big and small, will make Hunter X a better game.
The most obvious difference, of course, is in the game's presentation. Developers have replaced the original's flat backgrounds and characters with polygonal models. Explosions and various other special effects benefit from greater detail, and there's a bunch of nifty environmental flourishes that really make it seem like you're playing a modern Mega Man title. The animated cutscenes, which help add extra story and character depth, look awesome. They're clear, vibrant and very well done. The voice acting isn't so great, but it's not terrible, either.

In terms of gameplay, Capcom didn't mess around too much with established formula. It still feels and plays like the original you've come to cherish. All the moves from the "X" universe make it intact, including the wall jump, charge shot and dash. One of the cooler aspects, the hidden armor and weapon upgrades, are also back in full form. What is different, however, is where you'll find these items. Developers have changed their locations, so you'll have to relocate them. This, of course, means you'll wind up entering and re-entering levels in a different order than before, since certain upgrades are only accessible once you've collected specific items. 

The flexible weapons system, a staple of the series, is also back, as are the rechargeable sub-tanks and mech vehicles. The weapons you receive after defeating the game's many bosses, all of which largely use the same attack patterns as before, can be viewed and swapped using a new menu.
You can also view collected sub-tanks and other information. Having a new menu system isn't earth shattering, sure, but it's one thing in a list of many. And, like many other things in Hunter X, it winds up making a difference in the long run, if only because it makes the game feel fresh.
So, what's the biggest difference you'll notice? Apart from the presentation, it's most certainly Vile mode, where you can play through the game as the maverick Vile. He sports a bunch of weapons and abilities that Mega Man doesn't have, including shoulder and leg cannons, his own mech vehicle (with its own weapons) and super weapons. Also, if you think playing through normal mode is hard (which it is, by most accounts) then you'll think Vile mode is hellish. It's hard, no doubt, and you can only unlock it by completing the game normally. Still, it's fun and feels different than playing as Mega Man, so definitely a cool feature.
In terms of extras, the Hunter X UMD packs a cool demo of Mega Man Powered Up, which is a remake of the very first Mega Man game. Cooler still, you can use the PSP's game sharing capabilities to beam the demo wirelessly to friends.


 PART 2:

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