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Monday, December 20, 2010

Ghost Busters the Video Game

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About four months ago Ghostbusters: The Video Game came to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS and PC. Now, the title is completing the circle and bringing Proton Packs and jumpsuits to the PSP, and if you know anything about the other versions of the game, you know all about this one.

A third-person action game, Ghostbusters: The Video Game is set two years after the events of Ghostbusters 2. The boys in gray are still busting spooks, specters, and spirits on a daily basis, and business has gotten so big that they're expanding the team. You'll choose if you want to be a premade boy Ghostbuster or a girl Ghostbuster and join the ranks of Egon and company just as a paranormal spike peaks and brings about a slew of new and old ectoplasmic entities that only the Ghostbusters can stop.

The best thing Ghostbusters: The Video Game has going for it is the fact that it feels like it's the third film. Bill Murray is back as Peter Venkman, Dan Aykroyd is Ray Stantz, and so on. The dialogue's funny, the story's interesting, and the Ecto-1 is back. Awesome.

Rather than go the route of uber-realistic looking PS3/360/PC version of the game, Ghostbusters PSP is a port of the PlayStation 2 version that took the paranormal investigators and made'em look all cartoony. It's a choice I'm fine with overall because it gives the character some great reactions for the more over the top dialogue, but the trouble is the PSP version doesn't look all that good in general.

One of the big selling points of Ghostbusters on the other platforms was that your proton streams could destroy everything in an environment – tear gashes in the wall, blow-up couches, and so on. That made it over to the PSP, but the limited processing power means that there are only a few items to burn in each environment. You have these massive hotel corridors with two tiny chairs in them and a painting or two on the wall. It feels empty and looks weird.

Beyond that, the graphics wig out left and right. There are a lot of jaggy edges on objects, but as you move through the level and rotate the camera, items and edges have a tendency to flash in and out as the game tries to render everything. When characters pop up in cutscenes, there blurring and slowdown as well – and that's really disappointing because the movies have such a nice shot at looking good with the cartoon graphics.

In-game, things only look decent as you run your character around with the guys. The PSP analog nub moves you and the PSP face buttons move your crosshairs on the screen – it's like just about every third-person shooter you've played on Sony's handheld. The D-pad busts out your PKE meter so that you can scan ghouls for the Ghostbusters database, hurl traps, and cycle your Proton Pack's firing modes.

Yes, rather than just be limited to the orange and blue laser flying out of your neutrona wand, your rookie Ghostbuster is going to be able to blow slime, fire a shotgun-like shock blast of dark matter, and send out a concentrated burst of particles known as a Boson Dart. These different devices will be key to taking out foes such Slimer, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and a slew of new evils.

This is as exciting as it gets.

Trouble is, none of this is all that exciting on the PSP. Over on the Wii, which is where this game started before being ported to the PS2 before being ported here, you'd need to flick your Wii-mote in a given direction when you were wrangling ghosts. This was you slamming them into walls to wear them down. Here, you just tap whatever face button direction pops up on the screen. It's super-easy and not ever engaging. Similarly, there seems to be some automatic lock-on when shooting at ghosts, and that kind of makes the whole experience a bit too simple. You have a gauge that monitors how close your pack is to overheating, but the ease of shooting and wrangling means that it's never really that big of an issue as you play.

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